Watermelon Aqua Fresca

August 16, 2012 | No Comments

Aqua Fresca

My family and I just got home from a fantastic week and a half trip to California. While we were in Napa, there was  a heatwave, and the temperature reached the 90′s and 100′s for a few days. Luckily we were house sitting for our dear friends, and could comfortably come in from the heat . On an especially, brutally hot day,  I purchased a watermelon as a special treat for my girls. We were eating slice after slice of the delicious watermelon, yet we were still thirsty.

Watermelon Slices

As I was looking at the beautiful, delicious, pink slice in my hand, I remembered Dominic talking about making aqua fresca a few weeks ago. I decided to further treat my girls, so I made aqua fresca for the very first time. I could not find a blender at my friend’s house, so I used a potato masher.  I was reading, that in Mexico they make aqua fresca by mashing watermelon with forks, so I though, “why not a potato masher?”. After I mashed the watermelon, I used a spoon to strain the juice from the pulp into a juice glass. Then I squeezed a fresh slice of lime into the watermelon juice. I called my girls in to give it a try, and they went ape over it.

Cherry Tomatoes and Honey Bee

One of the days I was visiting Northern California, I spent time with another dear friend, at her home. I have only known this exceptional person for almost 5 years, although our comfort level and mutual respect for each other, transcends, so it feels like I have known her my whole life. She gets me and I get her, and we have shared so many wonderful memories and so much joy and laughter.  I know she will be in my life and heart forever, as will her darling boys and her very special, loving husband. I took this picture of cherry tomatoes from her beautiful, bountiful garden. Surprise bonus,  I caught a honey bee in the shot.

Cherry Tomatoes Bowl

These gorgeous cherry tomatoes in the bowl, were picked from our garden.

Watermelon Slices and Cherry Tomatoes

I went to the store yesterday, and remembered how much my girls loved the aqua fresca I made, and I purchased another watermelon, some apricots, and a lime.

Watermelon Tomato Aqua Fresca with Mint and Kale

We are having quite a heatwave ourselves here in McMinnville, Or, so I decided to make some aqua fresca with a twist.  My 2 3/4 year old, Georgia, has slowed down her eating, and has recently developed an aversion for green leafy vegetables. I decided to sneak some kale and mint, as well as some of my favorite fruits, apricot and tomato along with watermelon.

Watermelon Tomato Aqua Fresco

Both my girls downed the glass and asked for more, I knew this would be a weekly drink until watermelon season was over.

Watermelon Tomato Aqua Fresco

Feel free to garnish your glass with a watermelon slice, and a whisper thin slice of lime. I hope you enjoy this version of aqua fresca as much as my family does.

Watermelon Tomato Aqua Fresca
Recipe type: Beverage
Author: Jillian
Serves: 4
  • 4 cups watermelon
  • Juice of 1/2 lime
  • 6 cherry tomatoes(picked from my garden)
  • 1 fresh apricot, pitted
  • 2 kale leaves(I used Cavolo Nero from my garden)
  • 4 mint leaves
  1. Put all ingredients in bowl
  2. Blend well(I used hand blender)
  3. Strain and press remaining juice through fine strainer or sieve(you should be left with just a spoonful of pulp) I ate my spoonful and it was yummy
  4. Garnish with watermelon slice and thin slice of lime if you wish


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