Jo’s Taiwanese Omelet (Dan Bing) with roasted greens

January 1, 2014 | 9 Comments

Taiwan Pancake(Tam-Bean) with roasted greens

Happy New Year to all! I was just talking to a great friend last night about resolutions. Like her, I don’t ever make resolutions, because I know myself, and won’t keep them. This year is different my friends! This year I have a list of goals/resolutions, a mile long, and I plan on doing everything my list. I know, I know, kind of sounds far fetched, and unbelievable. I believe it, and I think that is the first step to making it happen, don’t you?


One of my resolutions is to get more creative, experimental, and healthier in my cooking, and eating in 2014. As some of you might know, over the past year we have been members of Oakhill Organics Full Diet CSA. Because we are in a full diet CSA, we make most every meal from scratch, and we use mostly organic whole foods to do so. We have needed to really be creative because many weeks we are offered the same produce over, and over, and we have little girls who love food but like variety. We are always looking for new ideas, recipes, shortcuts in the kitchen.

The other week, I was speaking to another CSA member during pick up, and she was telling me about how she roasts her greens. I was excited at the prospect of throwing two sheet trays in the oven full of olive oiled greens and 5-7 minutes later them emerging in all their delicious glory. True story folks, they are so easy and quick to make, and I can roast a couple 1/2 sheet trays at a time, and eat though them for a few days.

Here is the recipe. Wash, dry and chop greens. Toss greens with good olive oil(sometimes I use coconut oil). Place greens in a preheated 425 degree oven for 4-5 minutes, rotate sheet trays and roast for 2 more minutes. Take out and toss with salt and pepper. These are the greens/veggies I have roasted so far with success, cabbage, kale, spinach, swiss chard, and collards. I have also sliced some onions and tossed the greens as well. It is really interesting, that I have not cared for swiss chard up until I ate it roasted, and now I can happily eat a sheet tray full of swiss chard, and ask for more. I feel like this new swiss chard development is a great step in working towards my resolution to experiment more.

Tamber Chicken Eggs

Another one of my resolutions,  is to blog at least once a week in 2014. If you have been following my almost non existent blog, you will realize this is a feat in itself. To help me accomplish my goal, I plan on participating in the 52 weeks of cooking challenge on Reddit.  Each week a new food or theme is chosen. Participants post pictures of their creations. I look forward to sharing this challenge, with you through my blog. This is week number one, and the challenge is eggs. Above is a picture of eggs, compliments of Penelope, Cold Beer, Pizza, and Peaches, our new chickens, given to us a many months back by our dear friends, and neighbors.

Tam-Bean 1

I love eggs and greens, and cook it and eat it four or five times a week. In this  food challenge, I was planning, and dreaming of  frying up some eggs with a half a stick of luscious butter, and placing them on top of some perfectly roasted greens. Then I would skillfully, but delicately break the egg yolks, and take a picture most of you would love to sop up with a homemade toasted piece of bread. Yesterday, I burned my greens, and overcooked my eggs, and was extremely, extremely, frustrated. I got over it quickly with a fun day of cleaning and organizing the kitchen, a lamb dinner, and a lovely glass of Evolution sparkling wine with Dominic, and a nice visit from a friend.

Tam-Bean 2

Today is a new day, and the start of a new year. I woke up with a spring in my step, and a smile on my face. Over a cup of coffee with CSA cream, I decided to make Dan Bing, or Tam-Bean, a Taiwanese omelet, and serve it over a bed of roasted greens for breakfast.  Dominic and I ate Dan Bing when we went to visit our family in Taiwan four years ago. It is one of the many many incredibly delicious street foods you can enjoy in Taiwan. What a wonderful country, and home of my beautiful Sister In Law and Brother In Law, and their amazing family, with whom we hope to see soon.

Tam-Bean 3

My Sister In Law, Joanne Tamber, shared her recipe, and taught me how to make this succulent omelet, and yummy sauce.

Tam-Bean 4

I am a little rusty making these pancakes, but after a few, It came back to me, like riding a bike.

Tam-Bean 5

This bottom picture is how my kids like them, sliced with the sweet sauce for dipping. I included slivered carrots for extra vessels for dipping. The first picture is how Dominic and I liked to eat these delicious omelets, over a bed of roasted greens, with a drizzle of the sweet dipping sauce and a drizzle of Siracha.

Tam-Bean Sliced

This recipe is very versatile, and will be lovely as a breakfast lunch or dinner, you can also make it to fill a snack, or appetizer need. Hope you and your family enjoy making and eating these omelets as much as my family does. Wishing you all love, laughter, and great health and, delicious food this coming year.

Jo’s Taiwanese Omelet (Dan Bing) with roasted greens
5.0 from 1 reviews
Recipe type: Breakfast
  • 8 Tbsp AP Flour
  • 2 Tbsp and 1 tsp cornstarch
  • 220 ml cold water(scant cup)
  • 2 pinch kosher salt
  • 1 Tbsp chopped chives for egg mixture
  • 1 Tbsp chopped chives for sprinkling
  • 1 Tbsp chopped parsley for sprinkling
  • ______________________________
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 grinds fresh black pepper
  • 3 Tbsp water
  • ————————————–
  • Tbsp cornstarch
  • Tbsp cold water
  • 2/3 cup of water
  • 1/3 cup of Bragg Aminos or soy sauce
  • Tbsp sugar
  1. Mix together water flour, salt, and cornstarch
  2. Let mixture stand for 10 minutes
  3. Beat eggs, water, chives and pepper together
  4. Coat an 6 or 8 inch pan with coconut oil
  5. Heat on medium low
  6. When pan is hot, ladle 1/8 cup of the flour/cornstarch/water mixture into the middle of the pan
  7. Rotate pan to coat the bottom
  8. Cook until it becomes translucent
  9. Pour 2 Tbsp of egg mixture in the middle of crepe, then swirl egg mixture around crepe til coated
  10. Sprinkle chives evenly over top of egg
  11. When the sides of the eggs become lighter in color, fold into thirds
  12. After 30 seconds, flip the roll to the other side
  13. Plate omelet seam side down
  14. Cut into smaller pieces if you wish and be sure the eggs are thoroughly cooked
  16. Dissolve the cornstarch into cold water.
  17. Mix the Braggs Aminos or soy sauce, sugar and water, and bring to a boil, stirring frequently (feel free to add minced garlic and/or red chili flakes at this time)
  18. Add cornstarch and water mixture while still stirring
  19. Continue stirring until desired thickness is reached (a minute or two)
  20. Remove from heat and allow to cool



9 Responses so far.

  1. Elizabeth says:

    So good to see your blog back! And I LOVE your resolutions! Happy New Year!!

  2. Deborah Giaquinto says:

    I love your enthusiasm in making your New Year’s resolution! I feel very proud of you for taking on this endeavor. I will look forward to your creations in the coming year. Best of luck….Happy New Year!!!!!

  3. Becky says:

    Beautiful photos, Jill! And the recipe sounds amazing – way to go, girl. I am looking forward to seeing what you create this year! Happy 2014.

    • Jillian says:

      Hi Becky! Thank you for the compliment! From you, that is amazing high praise! I am really excited to see what this year holds as well. Thanks for sticking with me & all your support! Happy New Year!!!

  4. Elizabeth says:

    In the process! It smells so good!!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Yummm!!! Mission complete!! Very delicious. Thanks for the recipe!

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