Vegetable Broth

November 15, 2012 | No Comments

Vegetable Broth

For over a month, I have been making my own vegetable broth. I wanted to share this recipe, because I love it. I drink a cup of it for a quick snack, before most meals, or if I am still feeling hungry after a meal.

Turnip and Jalapeno

I enjoy the little bit of heat the jalapeno pepper gives this broth. I also add  some fresh ginger(not pictured) to the broth which gives it some lovely spiciness, as well.


All the vegetables and herbs in this broth provide wonderful nutrients. Make sure you peel your root vegetables if you do not know your source.

Fresh Thyme and Parsley

We picked this thyme and parsley from our herb garden. We feel so fortunate, both are growing like crazy this time of year.

Shitake Mushroom

I really like the flavor that the shitake mushroom provides, a bit earthy, and delicious.

Vegetable Broth

I have made a couple soups with this vegetable broth. Dominic and my girls really liked them. I will post my onion, mushroom soup, and my ground turkey with white beans, and tomatoes in a few days. This recipe is adapted from Mark Hyland’s Ultra Broth recipe

Vegetable Broth
Recipe type: Soup
Author: Jillian
Serves: 5-7 quart jars
  • 1 medium turnip, cut in 8 pieces
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • 2 large parsnips, cut in 4 pieces each
  • 2 large onion, cut in 8 pieces
  • 3 large carrots, cut in 4 pieces each
  • 3 cups roughly chopped greens(kale, spinach)
  • 1/4 cabbage
  • 2 shitaki mushroom, cut in half
  • 2 inches Kombu
  • 3 celery stalks, cut in 4 pieces each
  • 4 cloves whole garlic
  • 1 finger sized nob of garlic, sliced in 5 pieces
  • 2 cups winter squash
  • 6-8 quarts water
  • parsley and thyme(feel free to use your favorite herbs)
  • fresh ground pepper
  • sea salt to taste( I do not add sea salt to this recipe, but if you would like to, go for it)
  1. Place all vegetables in 6-8 quart stockpot
  2. Fill the pot up with water
  3. Tie herbs in a bundle with cooking twine
  4. Add herb bundle, and submerge it
  5. Add fresh ground pepper
  6. Bring to a boil
  7. Turn down heat, and gently simmer for 1-2 hours or until all the vegetables are cooked and the broth is to your liking(add more water if you need to
  8. Strain broth through a colander into another stockpot
  9. let cool completely
  10. Pour into glass jars
  11. Keep in refrigerator, or freeze in freezer bags to be used at a later date

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