Recipe type: Dessert,Snack
Author: Jillian
Serves: 2 glasses
- *2-4 cups plain yogurt of your choice(I use Nancy's Organic Lowfat)
- 1/2 cup favorite jam
- *1/2- 1 cup rolled oats or granola
- 1 cup berries cooked down slightly(I used raspberries and blackberries)
- *depending on the size of your glass
- First thin layer - jam
- Second layer - yogurt
- Third thin layer - jam(homemade would be tastier)
- Fourth layer yogurt
- Fifth layer - oats or granola(homemade would be tastier)
- Sixth layer -yogurt
- Seventh layer - berries and juice
- Eighth layer - yogurt
- Ninth layer - sprinkle of oats or granola
Recipe by Food Filled Life at